3 Ways to Avoid Sales Cycle Stalls in the Last Mile

3 Ways to Avoid Sales Cycle Stalls in the Last Mile
ValueCore Team
Published on April 2, 2019

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ValueCore Team
Published on April 2, 2019

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3 Ways to Avoid Sales Cycle Stalls in the Last Mile


The difference between a passable salesperson who simply meets their quotas and an outstanding salesperson who blows past their quotas is in the way they close deals.

In the marathon of complex sales, there is no way to avoid the last mile. This part of the sales cycle requires diligence, precision, and persistence. But sometimes, even when the greatest care is taken, a sale is lost in this crucial last mile.


Together with Sandler Training, a worldwide leader in sales, management, and customer service training, ValueCore presents three practical ways salespeople can minimize the chances of losing a sale in the final stages of the cycle. Impress your prospects and confidently close deals with these fool-proof methods.




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Why did the phrase “coffee is for closers” from the 1992 epic film about sales culture, Glengarry Glen Ross, resonate with so many sales reps and sales managers? It’s because salespeople know that getting the signature is part science, part art.


Only the best sales reps can consistently navigate the “last mile” of the sale. They ensure ahead of time, that the customer has a problem their solution can solve, a budget they are willing to spend, and a decision-making process within which they can succeed.


There are many elements to meeting your quota, including effective prospecting, intelligent discovery, and your ability to leverage internal resources. That said, in any given year, the difference between “President’s Club” and a club soda may be directly related to how well a sales rep manages the last mile.


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