
Every major purchase has a business buyer, technical buyer, and financial buyer. To be part of the conversation with any of these C-Suite executives, it’s crucial to understand their vernacular. If you can articulate the economic impact of your solution, you can be part of a bigger conversation. Download the eBook and learn how to communicate value in their language so you can start closing deals NOW.
When we think of what’s important in the buyer’s journey, we think of needs, solutions, price, risk, economic impact, cash flow, and value. What starts out as a high priority at the beginning of a buyer’s journey may be insignificant at the end. Learn to leverage your value throughout the buyer’s process.
The status quo refers to an existing state of affairs. But what does it mean in the Sales sense and how does “Status quo is not free!” apply when trying to move your sales cycle along. Well, the key to great discovery starts with quantitative questions that drive the current cost of the status quo discussion. Download the Ebook to learn what drives the cost of the status quo.
As a B2B sales professional, the mechanics of selling can feel like Mt. Everest to climb, but it doesn’t have to. . .Since every well-designed sales process includes reliable projections of deal size and closing date, the best way to accomplish this lofty task is to identify the financial impact or cost implications of maintaining the status quo – or the existing pains of the business. Learn how to help your prospect see the signs that are inclined to make them ACT today!
Every major purchase has a business buyer, technical buyer, and financial buyer. To be part of the conversation with any of these C-Suite executives, it’s crucial to understand their vernacular. If you can articulate the economic impact of your solution, you can be part of a bigger conversation. Download the eBook and learn how to communicate value in their language so you can start closing deals NOW.
The financial buyer needs to understand the nuances of profit improvement before investing. Soft cost savings is presumptive, assuming the possibility of dollars to the bottom line in the future. Download our eBook and win over the C-suite and learn some techniques for speaking the right language when it comes to profit improvement.
While ROI considers the cost over a fixed period and the value the investment can deliver, TCO is a prerequisite when price is a primary consideration since it looks at the total cost. The financial buyer cares about ROI, TCO, and value. Download our eBook today and you’ll be prepared to have the discussion with the financial buyer!.
We believe that Value Practitioners are often viewed – and justifiably so – as “manna from heaven” for today’s sales teams. However, the most seasoned professionals can be handicapped from delivering their full potential. Learn how to AVOID the biggest, most detrimental mistakes a Value Practitioner can make.

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