News and Events

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Webinar: Digital Honeypots and Attracting New Audiences

These days, most B2B marketers are using the same channels, going after the same metrics and executing the same tactics as everybody else.

Join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, September 9th, at 11:00 am PT to get fresh ideas for building “digital honeypots” to attract new audiences and provide answers that your next great lead is searching for. Featuring top B2B marketers from ON24, NetLine, ValueCore and MarketMuse

California Business Journal: Visualize This

A glimpse into the backstory of ValueCore from the CEO, Mike Genstil

Podcast: How You can Showcase 10x Value to Your Customer

Mike Genstil, Founder and Chairman at ValueCore, talks with Scott Baker on The Sales Enablement Podcast. Mike shares his thoughts on how to make life easier for sales reps and marketing people who want to communicate value in ROI to their customers.

ValueCore Happy Hour At SaaStr 2020

Two leading SaaS revenue growth experts will share their insights around improving conversion rates by quantifying and communicating value at the top of the funnel, using data that you know about prospects.

March 11, 2020 | Time: 5 – 7 P.M.

Podcast: Your Prospect Adores You! But Will His CFO?

In this third Market Dominance Guys’ conversation between Chris, Corey, and Mike Genstil, Founder and CEO of ValueCore, this trio of experts discusses how to price your company’s offering, how to handle discount requests, and what to do about a prospect’s fixed-budget limitations.

Podcast: What to Charge for a Trip to the Promised Land

In this Market Dominance Guys’ conversation between Chris, Corey, and Mike Genstil, Founder and CEO of ValueCore, this trio shares their insights into value metrics and how to construct and present statements about value propositions and returns on investment.

Mike cautions listeners about the importance of being careful in the representation of value when talking to a prospect or customer, because it’s necessary that the stated ROI be credible.

Are you ready to close more deals by creating compelling visuals of your solution's ROI?

Value Management Leaders