Scale Customer Success: Identify Pain and sell Outcomes and ROI with Value Selling Tool

Empower your business by mapping your value proposition, enabling value selling, and fostering customer success. Integrate seamlessly with your CRM to streamline operations, drive growth, and ensure every interaction delivers tangible value
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The Buyer's Perspective

It’s noisy out there
Buyers receive over 100 messages per month

Messages are irrelevant
Marketing & sales automation deliver dozens to hundreds of messages to individuals each month.  Most of these are irrelevant, resulting in buyer fatigue

No understanding of value
There’s more data at our fingertips than ever before – but we are not using it to drive value-based discussion

The Seller's Perspective

Improve Your Bang for the Buck on Tools and Data
Each of your sales tools is valuable on a standalone basis  But each will be 10X more valuable if they are leveraged in concert, with quantified value drivers inserted dynamically into messaging and content 

Automation and Time Savings
Don’t require your reps to figure out the right message for the right buyer at the right time.  Automate and pre-populate the content with relevant data 


ValueCore Offers a Suite of Interactive Applications that Span the Buyer’s Journey

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Lead Gen / Lead Nurturing

Maturity Assessment Tool
Pain Calculator (a la “Challenger Sale”)
Value-based messaging

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Early Sales

Discovery Wizard
ROI Tools
TCO Tools

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Late Sales

Pricing Calculator
Partner Margin Calculator
Automated Proposal Generator

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Automatic Case Study Creator
Quarterly Business Review Generator

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Sample Interactive ROI and TCO Calculators

Demo samples of maturity assessment, ROI, and TCO tools we have developed on behalf of our clientele.

OUR SaaS MODULESEnabling Value Communication through the Customer LifecycleQUANTIFY CURRENT PAINValue-Based DiscoveryLeverage Existing CRM DataVisually Engaging | Responsive DesignPROSPECTINGLead Nurture via Quantified Value EmailsBatch Processed and DeliveredProspect Activity Tracking and NotificationVALUE-BASED DISCOVERYProvocative Personalized Pain StatementLeverage Existing CRM DataCompute Initial Value EstimateSELL VALUECommunicate ValueMutual Close Plan CollaborationValidate opportunity pipeline | Export to PPT | Word | ExcelRENEW MORE Compare actual value realized with plannedTake timely corrective actionsReduce churn / Ensure renewalsRENEWALEXPERTTMINBOUNDLEAD HARVESTER TMCOLLABORATOR TMVALUEDISCOVERY WHIZ TMOUTBOUNDLEAD HARVESTERTM
visualize your revenue growth

ValueCore Inbound Lead Harvester™

ValueCore Inbound Lead Harvester™
Lead generation enables demand generation leaders to rapidly create and publish dynamic interactive tools that help qualify and engage buyers. The ValueCore Inbound Lead Harvester™ is a family of tools including Pain Calculators, Value Estimators, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) tools, Return on Investment (ROI) calculators, and maturity assessment tools.

ValueCore Outbound Lead Harvester™

ValueCore Outbound Lead Harvester™ enables demand generation leaders and inside sales professionals to generate compelling pain statements and value estimates to prospects based on data that is known or discoverable about the customer from public and private data sources.  

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ValueCore Discovery Whiz™

The ValueCore Discovery Whiz™ allows you to deploy a standard structured discovery guide to the field, which enables three powerful benefits for sales reps and managers:

(a) automatic creation of a pain and value estimate and talk track, based on customer input
(b) automatic creation of customer-specific slide, talk track, and email follow-up
(c) data synchronization with CRM, making the lead or contact object much richer to enable better sales coaching

ValueCore Value Collaborator™

The ValueCore Value Collaborator™ equips an account executive to conduct a lightweight or deep value-based, collaborative discovery session with a client. The application enables the product marketer to embed the best existing presentation content, with dynamic logic, that automatically generates a dynamic story, with pain and value quantified. A presentation can be generated by the sales rep, including the client data. The rep can share the dynamic presentation with the customer after the meeting, and is notified if the customer updates any of the assumptions.

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ValueCore Renewal Expert™

The ValueCore Renewal Expert™ enables customer success leaders to automate the creation of Quarterly Business Review and renewal presentations. The presentations dynamically create a quarterly or annual “value realized statement,” leveraging three types of data from your customer’s usage of your solution:

  • Data ingested via API from your solution
  • Survey data from the end customer
  • Data imported or entered manually by a customer success rep

It ensures the value documented and promised during the sales cycle is delivered by the customer success and implementation teams. 

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Deploying ROI Tools

Deploying ROI tools to your website, sales teams, or customer success organization requires finesse and expertise. Contact us to discuss best practices, or request our Best Practices Guide.