eBook: Fact: Want to Win Over the C-Suite? Increase Profits

What’s Inside?

To succeed in today’s competitive B2B market, sales professionals need to master the art of communicating value in terms that resonate with the C-suite. Michael Nick walks you through concrete examples of how to use financial projections to identify which value proposition is realistic and desirable to your target.

Core Insights

  • Understand C-Suite Priorities: Review the key metrics that C-suite executives monitor as a part of their Profit and Loss statement (P&L), and learn how to tie your solution’s value directly to these metrics to make a compelling case.
  • Understand Strategic Objectives: If your solution increases sales, it might appeal more than expense-reduction – unless that’s the company’s top priority.

Download Now and tailor your sales approach to the language and metrics that the C-suite are using to manage their business.

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