25 Sales Training Statistics You Can’t Ignore in 2024

25 Sales Training Statistics You Can't Ignore in 2024
ValueCore Team
Published on June 27, 2019

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ValueCore Team
Published on June 27, 2019

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25 Sales Training Statistics You Can't Ignore in 2024


The B2B sales landscape has experienced drastic changes over the last decade; an increase in readily-available content, a migration to mobile-friendly interactions, and the elevated expectations of buyers have all contributed to new challenges for sales professionals. It’s not enough to simply know what you’re selling, you need to be an expert in the field with a documented strategy for acquiring customers and closing sales. Currently, 61% of executives believe they don’t have sales managers who have been adequately trained in sales enablement strategies and techniques. They know that as a result, they’re losing out on sales, time, and profits.

Below we’ve collected statistics that illustrate how sales departments can improve their acquisition and revenue by providing their sales professionals with the right training, resources, and tools.

Are your #salesandmarketing teams aligned? If not, you could be losing out on 10% of potential revenue. @ValueCore breaks it down: Share on X


25 Sales Training Statistics You Cannot Miss in 2022

More than half of salespersons forget their training in the first three months

  • 55% of salespeople lack basic sales skills. (source)
  • 84% of sales training is forgotten in the first three months. (source)
  • 82% of B2B decision-makers think the sales reps they deal with are unprepared. (source)


Three-quarters of the sales cycle is not automated for optimization

  • 44% of executives believe their organization is ineffective at managing its sales process. (source)
  • 75% of the sales cycle is not automated for optimization and ease. (source)


Most sales persons want access to high-quality training opportunities


Sales training programmes result in actual growth in revenue

  • Companies that provide quality sales coaching see 7% greater annual revenue growth. (source)
  • Companies with dynamic sales coaching programs achieve 28% higher win rates. (source)
  • Failing to align your sales team around best practices and processes can result in a 10% loss of revenue.


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A miniscule percentage of buyers are OK with meeting a sales rep

  • 50% of sales reps’ time is spent working with unqualified leads. (source)
  • Only 12% of buyers want to meet with a sales rep. (source)


Sales and marketing teams should align for growth

  • 19% more growth occurs when sales teams have an open line of communication and collaboration with the marketing team.
  • Sales teams who work closely with marketing see 41% greater growth in reaching their quotas. (source)
  • 74% of high-performing companies have strong sales and marketing alignment within their organization. (source)


Read Now: Value-Based Selling: 5 Ways to Sell Value Rather Than Price


Good sales content converts a majority of customers

  • 57% of businesses say high-quality content is their top driver of sales. (source)
  • Without a good process in place, 60% of quality sales content goes unused. (source)
  • 95% of buyers say they purchase from reps who supply them with content at every stage in the sales cycle. (source)
  • 58% of deals stall in the pipeline because the sales department is unable to offer tailored content for the customer. (source)


Content is an important asset, but it doesn’t necessarily mean whitepapers or case studies every time. Tools that can demonstrate value to your buyers also serve as highly effective content and might be the key to winning a deal.

Did you know 89% of #B2B buyers say their most successful purchases came from sales reps who provided content that shows the #ROI. Dig into this post from @ValueCore for more #salesenablement stats: Share on X


More than half of buyers expect sales reps to demonstrate value in calls.

  • High-performing sales teams use 3x more sales technology tools than underperforming teams. (source)
  • 74% of buyers will choose to work with the sales reps who can demonstrate value. (source)
  • 95% of buyers say that they want benchmarks to measure against industry standards and competitors. (source)
  • 94% of B2B decision makers seek out sales teams that can show specific insights into the problems their company is trying to solve. (source)
  • B2B buyers are 5x more likely to engage with a sales professional who offers new insights into their business. (source)
  • 89% of B2B buyers say that the vendors they’ve made successful purchases from provided content that made it easier to show the ROI for the purchase. (source)
  • Over 75% of companies using sales enablement tools saw an increase in sales in the first year. 40% of those companies reported an increase greater than 25%. (source).


A well thought out strategy paired with the right content provided at the right point in the funnel leads to a higher performing sales team, increased revenues, and higher acquisition rates. To do so starts with a skilled team of sales professionals, a strong relationship with the marketing team, and a toolkit of sales technologies that demonstrate real value and provide key insights to your buyers. With these tactics, you’ll become more than just a rep to your buyers, but an expert they can trust. Become an expert in Value-based selling with Valuecore.


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