To Succeed in Sales, Speak Your Prospect’s Language

What is Sales Language? Sales language refers to the specific vocabulary, terminology, and communication techniques used by sales professionals to engage with prospects and customers effectively. It encompasses the language, phrases, and tone used to convey product or service features, benefits, and value propositions to potential buyers. Sales language is aimed at influencing buying decisions,…

How to Build a Value-Based ROI Presentation

Building a value-based ROI presentation doesn’t have to be hard.  Follow these easy steps and you’ll soon have a presentation that sales reps can consistently use to present the quantitative value of your solution in an engaging, collaborative way.   Step 1:  Determine your 3 primary areas of benefit   This step is the most…

Why Discovery Isn’t Enough to Drive a Sale

What is the future of business-to-business selling? Even before the events of 2020 shredded business models and projections, too many companies had overpromised and underdelivered across industries, including communications, healthcare, information technology, and financial services. Buyers have been rocked by the combination of uncertainty, government regulation, a struggling economy, and limited resources.   Perhaps understandably,…

The Missing Piece in Value Selling

Do you really know what your prospects are looking for? Do you know why they’re looking in the first place? Were you told by your development group or marketing department why your prospects buy products and services like the ones you sell?   Dismiss it! Buyer’s needs come from, well, buyers and no one else. Without…

Cloud-Based ROI Calculators Bring Decision Makers to You

The challenges of chasing leads and building pipelines in today’s business environment sometimes make me wonder why I ever chose sales as a career—we all follow up on company-generated leads and contact existing customers. Sometimes we even resort to cold calls. For each call, we carefully and conscientiously record the date, time, person we tried…

Tough Questions Sales Professionals Must Ask…and Why

Every successful sales process needs to start with what might be called the “tough questions.” You know them—questions that are so direct they make you sweat and shake in your shoes, that can make you so uncomfortable you’re wary about asking them.   Why? Because you’re afraid you might offend the buyer. Or, perhaps you fear…

ROI vs. TCO? Which one should you choose for your business?

“To be, or not to be” is the famous opening phrase of the soliloquy given by Prince Hamlet in the “nunnery scene” of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet (Act 3, Scene 1). In the speech, Hamlet contemplates death and suicide, bemoaning the pain and unfairness of life, but acknowledging that the alternative might be worse.  …

3 Reasons Sales Leaders Should Prioritize a Value Selling Platform NOW to Accelerate Revenue

CROs, CSOs, Solution Consultants and Sales Ops leaders face myriad priorities in the best of times: hiring and retaining top talent, managing pipeline effectively, selecting the best sales tech stack and methodology, and engaging productively cross-functionally. In today’s landscape, marketing budgets and priorities are shifting dramatically, and remote hiring, on-ramping, and managing are new norms in…

The Big Gulp: Three Prospect Reactions After Receiving a $100,000 Price Quote

In most organizations which procure services and solutions from external vendors, there exist “levels of approval” within the organization.  For example, for many companies, Directors are often allowed to approve budget items that cost $50,000 or less, while Vice Presidents or CFOs are often required to approve all items that cost $100,000 or more.  Of…

Best Practices To Align Sales And Marketing Teams In 2022

Does sales and marketing alignment exist? Marketing and sales teams operate under separate but related sets of objectives—marketing to drive awareness and bring as many high-quality leads to the top of the funnel as possible; sales to determine which of those leads are potential buyers and quickly and efficiently drive them through the funnel and close…