
Read expert insights on value management, ROI selling, and boost your sales team’s performance with fresh content from the best minds in the field.

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Tough Questions Sales Pros Must Ask (and Why)
May 6, 2021 | ValueCore Team
Every successful sales process needs to start with what might be called the “tough questions.” You know them—questions that are so direct they make you sweat and shake in your shoes, that can make you so uncomfortable you’re wary about asking them.
ROI vs. TCO: Choosing the Right Metric for Your Business
April 12, 2021 | ValueCore Team
“To be, or not to be” is the famous opening phrase of the soliloquy given by Prince Hamlet in the “nunnery scene” of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet (Act 3, Scene 1). In the speech, Hamlet contemplates death and suicide, bemoaning the pain and unfairness of life, but acknowledging that the alternative might be worse.
3 Reasons to Prioritize Value Selling Tools Now
March 10, 2021 | ValueCore Team
CROs, CSOs, Solution Consultants and Sales Ops leaders face myriad priorities in the best of times: hiring and retaining top talent, managing pipeline effectively, selecting the best sales tech stack and methodology, and engaging productively cross-functionally. In today’s landscape, marketing budgets and priorities are shifting dramatically, and remote hiring, on-ramping, and managing are new norms in a virtual environment, changing the stakes overnight. It’s more important than ever to enable critical sales skills for disruption and recovery.
The Big Gulp: Three Prospect Reactions After Receiving a $100,000 Price Quote
December 23, 2020 | ValueCore Team
In most organizations which procure services and solutions from external vendors, there exist “levels of approval” within the organization. For example, for many companies, Directors are often allowed to approve budget items that cost $50,000 or less, while Vice Presidents or CFOs are often required to approve all items that cost $100,000 or more. Of course, the amounts different titles can approve will vary by industry.
Align Sales and Marketing: Best Practices for Success
December 16, 2020 | ValueCore Team
Marketing and sales teams operate under separate but related sets of objectives—marketing to drive awareness and bring as many high-quality leads to the top of the funnel as possible; sales to determine which of those leads are potential buyers and quickly and efficiently drive them through the funnel and close as many high-quality deals as they can.
How vanity Metrics Miss the Mark for Renewals
November 25, 2020 | ValueCore Team
Often, companies think they are on track for a customer renewing only to be surprised to discover the metrics they were managing to did not reflect reality. ValueCore CEO, Mike Genstil, speaks with Chris Beall and Corey Frank of the Market Dominance Guys about vanity metrics that can be misleading and a better way to ensure renewals stay on track.
4 Ways To Convey Your Product's ROI To Increase Sales
October 29, 2020 | ValueCore Team
One of the most impactful things you can do during the sales process is quantify your product’s value, or ROI (“Return on Investment”), to your customers. But, as always, there’s more than one way to make this happen. Are you using ROI as a pain killer or a vitamin in your sales process? Communicating your product’s ROI is an effective sales tool in any economic climate. During a boom phase, it might be more of a vitamin; you can leverage it to strengthen and build your case for implementing your product or service.
Winning and Losing with ROI Calculators in Sales
October 5, 2020 | ValueCore Team
It is vital to communicate value to your prospects in a concise way. Why is this so important? According to Gartner’s March 13, 2020 paper, the second most valuable content to B2B buyers is Value Assessment tools. These tools offer a very effective way to showcase your value.